So, I am DEFINITELY that type most people loathe in the mornings. I immediately wake up, fully alert, and ready to go. I am always in a good mood and I never have trouble waking up. If my alarm is set for 3:00am, no problem! My usual wake up time is anywhere between 5am and 6am. If I wake up after 6, I feel like that is sleeping in and it is highly unusual for me. I can go to bed at 2:00am and I will still wake up early!
How long have I been like this? Hmm, I would said at least 5 years. While I was finishing up my chemistry degree, I would wake up around 4:30 every morning to get work done and study. My body adapted so well, it has been like that ever since.
You see, my creative juices are at their highest early in the morning. Thoughts and ideas are just racing out of my brain when I wake up. I can get some serious work done by lunch. In fact, most of my work is done in that time. My family jokes with me that I am like an elderly woman…wake up, have coffee, eat breakfast, take a walk, stretch, work time. Every morning…even on vacations. Oh and yes, that is my favorite coffee mug below! Make sure you follow me on instagram where all these pictures were posted 🙂
Here are my reasons why I LOVE being a morning person:
1. Sunrises. To me, there is nothing more gorgeous than a sunrise. It is truly God’s glory shining through.
2. In the summer, mornings are the coolest part of the day. We are slowly encroaching on those 100+ Texas summer days, but the mornings are still beautiful and enjoyable.
3. The house is quite. It is the best time to peacefully gather your thoughts, read your Bible, and begin the day without distraction. Even my sweet bulldog, Ruger, is still sleeping away. He doesn’t get up until at least 8:00am, and once he does…he requires all the attention in the world 🙂
4. Grocery shopping is the best in the morning. Especially if you need to go to walmart! In my town, we have H-E-B, Kroger, and Walmart. If I desperately need to go to walmart, I refuse to go after about 9:00am, it is terrible! But it is sparse and peaceful in the early morning.
5. Crossing off the To-Do List. Getting my tasks done in the morning, leave the afternoon open for enjoyment, cooking, baking, gardening, or whatever I choose. It just makes the day more productive for me!
6. Last but not least, sometimes my sweet husband has to work overtime, and he will get off around 5:00am. If I am waking up at that time, we love going to a diner for breakfast and coffee. Perfect date for us 😉
Are you are morning person? If so, what do you love about it? Or do hate mornings with a passion?? Tell me all about it!
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Oh man. I wish I was a morning person. Sometimes I’m chipper, but others I am absolutely NOT (like this morning). I do love sunrises and getting things done early, though… I just wish it was easier for me to wake up.
I am glad I am a morning person, but I also sometimes wish I could sleep in when I wanted to! Like on vacation! 🙂
I have always been a morning person – even as a child. Although I try to adapt my schedule to my body, there are times that my work dictates longer hours and that has messed with my natural rhythms at times. I totally agree with you regarding the peacefulness of mornings. You simply don’t get it any other time of the day.
Yes, sometimes different hours mess up my natural rhythm too! If I have to stay up late to finish stuff, I will still wake up incredibly early resulting in little sleep. That catches up to me fast!
Eeerrrr… I hate mornings, even if I’m up at 3:00 am every week day. I will and have never gotten used to it!!! But once I am up, it’s great. Just takes me a while to get going.
Lol, I think most people are like that. My husband is the same way!!
I am like you…a complete morning person. I feel so productive when everyone else is sleeping and I can get my To DO list started and sometimes finished. I love to linger over a hot cup of tea and have some me time. It’s my favorite part of the day!
It is so nice to know another morning person! It is truly my favorite part of the day as well 🙂
I started laughing when I began reading this post. As a confirmed morning person myself, I may be among the few who didn’t want to slap you for being so productive early in the morning. Lol. Fun post, and I agree with your 6 points. :-))
Lol, I love knowing there are others out there who can appreciate mornings too! I love that I can be up and ready to go in the wee hours 🙂
And BTW, I’ve been this way all my life.
I’m a morning person, but probably not to the extent you are! I usually do wake up around 7 on weekends (with no alarm). And when my alarm goes off on weekdays I am NOT a snoozer. I don’t understand that at all. Some people purposely set their alarm and keep snoozing for like a half hour. I’m awake the first time around!
I don’t know how people do that either!! My husband can hit the snooze for hours…I feel like it serves no purpose to do that!! 🙂
Morning is a wonderful time of day to just be quiet and start the day with God, always wonderful to have a lovely sunrise and now that the doors can be open to hear the birds singing!
Yes it is! It is so nice to be able to enjoy the outdoors again!
I’m not an early morning person like you are but I do like the pece and quiet I get. Its a chance to get my thoughts together and decide what I’m going to do that day. I get to thank God for another day and I go outside to make sure my “stoop cats” are okay. Stopping by from #SITSsharefest
I agree, perfect time to thank God! Thanks so much for coming over!
At my old job, I started work at 7 am and I was forced to become a morning person and started enjoying it. My upbeat attitude started to drive my coworkers crazy. When I left that job, I took on a more laid back attitude to mornings though and sometimes I have to force myself up to get an early workout.
I find that having a plan and to-do list I’m looking forward to makes me excited though.
I love how productive I am as a morning person. Sometimes, it is aggravating because I want to sleep in on the weekends, but it never happens lol. My husband works evenings, so I have so much time to myself to get things done in the mornings which is a blessing for sure. My bulldog even sleeps in 🙂