There are a few reasons I wanted to share Amelia’s birth story with everyone. First, I get questions about it all the time on social media. Especially from people who have rheumatoid arthritis and are curious how everything went. Also, it was a rough time and not how I planned it, so I hope this can help or inspire others that it is okay if everything doesn’t go according to plan! So many things online can make you feel like you didn’t do something right or everyone else seems to be doing better than you.
It can make you feel very alone at times, so I wanted to share a true story for you.
Amelia’s Birth Story
The beginning of my pregnancy was pretty rough with all day sickness. I talked about that in this pregnancy survival guide post.
Once that passed around week 18 or 19, I had a really good pregnancy. I walked everyday, ate well, didn’t gain much weight, and only dealt with some arthritic pain.
So, I was surprised to find out at my week 36 sonogram that Amelia was still breech. I did all the things they tell you to do to get her to turn, but she never did.
At week 38, my doctor said we needed to schedule a C-section. If she turned before then, we would do a regular birth. I could tell she was still breech the day before my scheduled C-section, so I knew it would probably still be happening.
When I first found out I was going to need a C-section, I was upset. I thought, I have done everything right though?? I prayed about it and knew God had her best interest as well as mine, so this is what was safest and best.

Sunday April 15th
The day before the surgery, I felt great. I was eating light healthy snacks to prepare for surgery, and we drove down to my parents house to stay the night since they are close to the hospital. I went with my family to the park and took a long walk. We also spent time with Ruger 🙂
The weather was good too. It was a really nice day, and I felt at peace about everything.
Around midnight I woke up with severe vomiting. I could NOT stop throwing up for hours. Around 2am my husband finally said we need to just go to the hospital. So, he went ahead and took me in.
The entire time they were checking me in, I was throwing up non-stop. They got a wheel chair for me and took me into labor and delivery. I was already so dehydrated at this point, so they starting getting some IV’s hooked up. It took multiple tries to even get the needle in because I had thrown up so much.
I was also having contractions. Once they got some anti-nausea in my IV, I started to feel a little better. Around 630am that morning, they did another sonogram to make sure she was still breech. She was, so the C-section was still scheduled for 730.
At this point, I was so sick, I didn’t even know what was going on. They took me into the operating room to get me prepped for the surgery.
The hospital staff was absolutely amazing and so kind to me. Everyone was so professional and nice, I couldn’t have asked for a better environment to have a C-section.
Once they got my epidural in, they prepped me and called my husband in.
The surgery began, and I immediately felt nauseated. The nurse made sure I had all the medicine I needed so I wouldn’t be sick. Oh, and my husband watched the entire thing! (He had his entire colon taken out in 2010 so he is no stranger to this kind of thing).
It was a surreal moment while they were performing the surgery. I was aware of everything and the nurse kept telling me how close they were. After about 10 minutes, the nurse told me she would be here at any moment.
Finally, I heard all the staff said, “Here she is!” Happy Birthday Amelia at 8:03! The moment they said that, I heard her cry. Then I started crying. My husband was able to go over to where she was being cleaned up and started taking pictures. I heard them say she was 6 lbs 11 oz, 19 inches long.
They started to sew me back up, but within just a few minutes they placed her on my chest. It was an incredible feeling to finally see her. She was so tiny and beautiful! She stayed on my chest while they finished sewing me back up.
My husband walked her down to my delivery room. My parents said he looked like the happiest guy in the world walking down the hallway in his surgery gear holding Amelia. They moved me onto a bed and wheeled me into our room a few minutes later.
Our families stepped out while we got started breast feeding and doing skin to skin. I was still numb from the waist down, so I didn’t hurt at that point. We stayed there for a few hours before everyone got to come in and visit.
The rest of the day was a blur for me. The epidural started wearing off after a few hours, and I started feeling the pain. I stayed on a liquid diet the rest of the day as well.
That Evening
After everyone left, it was just us three in the room. Our families had brought my hubby some food, so he had supper in there while Amelia and I snuggled.
I found out I had to change rooms around 10pm that night and the nurses wanted to see if I could get up out of bed to walk to the wheel chair.
Honestly, that was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life! I had no use of my core at all. I thought to myself, this is impossible! Then, I remembered my husband who had a 13 inch or more vertical cut all the way down his stomach and got up the same day. I thought this is nothing compared to what he went through.
So, I got up and shuffled to the door.
I thought they nurses wanted me to walk to my new room, but they only wanted me to walk to the door! I ended up walking all the way down the hallway to my new room while they followed with wheel chair. They could NOT believe I did that. It was the longest walk of my life lol.
That night with Amelia was crazy. We had no idea how to change her diaper, breastfeed, why she was crying, and I didn’t sleep a wink.
But she was so precious and sweet, it was all worth it! Each night we got more and more comfortable with everything.
Hospital Stay
I was in the hospital until Wednesday. The doctor came in and told me she knew why Amelia never turned. She said as they were cleaning everything out getting ready to sew my skin, she saw how small and narrow I was inside, she said there was NO way I could have delivered her normally. It would have turned into an emergency situation.
I was so thankful God saved me from having to go through an emergency C-section, I knew His plan was best!
I will share all the postpartum details in the next post. I will say it hasn’t been the easiest, and things are finally starting to slow down and feel normal almost 3 weeks out!
Amelia Dixie is such a sweet baby, and we love getting to know her!
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Thank you!
Bless you all. I KNOW amelia will be a source of joy and PRIDE for you in the coming years. And then, there’s the Awe and the fun! Makes me wish I could do it all again. Being a grandma Is equally fantastic, and Gives us a new level of appreciation, understanding aAnd empathy. Enjoy everything!
Love and blessings, Grandma baesz
Thank you! She has definitely enriched our lives already 🙂 she’s a sweetheart!
Congratulations! Alice was breech, too, so i had to have a c-section, and my husband watched the whole thing! I couldn’t believe it!
Thank you! My husband loves that kind of stuff lol He watched it all then told me in detail how everything went 😮
Wow! Bravo to you and Happy Birthday to Amelia! The best is yet to come.
Thank you! Yes it is 🙂
Happy First Mothers Day to come!!!!
Thank you! It will be a great one 🙂
Congrats! She’s beautiful! Great job!
Thanks so much!
Blessing to all of you! God is in control! I pray you heal quickly!
Yes he is! Thanks Linda!
What a sweet blessing she is! I love how your faith pulled you through. what a lovely environment for amelia to grow up in!
Thank you! She is such a wonderful blessing 🙂
I’m so happy to hear everything worked out for the best and you didn’t have to go as far as getting an emergency c-section. I can’t believe you got up and walked to the other room. She is so adorable and I love her name! Congrats on becoming new parents and I hope you three are adjusting to this new journey in life! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis
Thanks so much! She is really a sweetheart. We are finally getting into a good routine which I am so happy about!