These long spring days of May seem to be passing by before I even realize they are gone!
Summer always seems to move faster and the days are so long, I try to fit in so many things to the day!
Anyone else like this too?
My husband and I have been trying to go to breakfast downtown on one of his days off, then go for a long walk. I love the long trail at the park downtown, it is about 4 miles if you go the full route.
This week was a busy one full of some new projects. One of them is a new cleaning solution with some orange infusion involved. I can’t wait to share it soon!
Favorite Posts this Week
Homemade Rose Water
GF DF Cinnamon Biscotti with Coffee Glaze
This rose water tutorial is one of my favorite chemistry hacks so far! I love all things rose, and this rose water is the best! And I don’t know about you, but I love biscotti with coffee or tea. This recipe has been a favorite this month.
Feel free to follow on Instagram for more recipes 🙂
Since the days are longer, I have been noticing the sunrises more when I go to make coffee in the morning. I looked out my kitchen window a few days ago, and the sunrise was so beautiful! I snapped this with my phone, but it doesn’t do it justice. So many pinks and corals!
Tuesday was Ruger’s yearly checkup at the vet. Everyone in my family was certain he has gained more weight since the last time he went lol. He weighs 90.8 lbs so only a 0.8 lb increase 🙂 The next day, he was so exhausted from all the excitement, he slept like this allll day!
After the really bad hail storm, my flowers are slowly starting to bloom again. The hibiscus hasn’t come back, but the geraniums are blooming again! Hopefully everything can come back to life in the next few weeks!
What are your weekend plans?
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Linking with H54F, Oh hey Friday, Friday Favorites, Five on Friday, Friday Favorites with Momfessionals
I dont know if you have ever shown this, but you should do a garden tour of all your pretty blooms! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I haven’t done that in a long time, but that is a great idea! Especially now that everything is FINALLY coming back to life 🙂
So excited to see what you have coming up! It is always so fun to see the fun new things you share with chemist tips!
Thank you! I really look forward to sharing so many fun new projects with everyone 🙂
Haha Ruger looks so cute sleeping like that! Poor little guy must have been tuckered out! Love those pretty blooms too! Happy Friday girl! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
He was so exhausted poor thing! It took him two days to recover lol Happy Friday girl!
Doing breakfast & then a walk sounds like a really fun idea. I agree with Biana. You should do a garden tour!
We always have fun doing it! Great way to spend the morning 🙂 Yes! I definitely need too!
Yay for spring, although summer is a month away. Your breakfast dates and walks w/hubby sound very nice. Ruger is a cutie. My dog expends so much energy in a car ride and visiting others and then takes 2 days to recover. Wish I could sleep for 2 days (LOL). Look forward to your orange solution – I have an orange tree in my yard… Have a great weekend!!!
Fresh oranges sounds amazing!! I would love that! Have a wonderful weekend Laurie!
Lola does the same thing after a day of excitement whether we take her our or have people over, she’s wiped out for a full day the next day which is good cause it gives us a little break. It’s crazy how tired they get.
They sure don’t have much stamina lol Ruger has so much energy for a brief moment…then it’s gone!
Aw, your poor dog! I love his little tongue sticking out.
That’s great some of your flowers are coming back. We’re getting a lot of rain lately, but it’s supposed to be nice during the day tomorrow so *fingers crossed* I have a couple outdoor events I’d really like to check out!
We are finally getting some rain this week…it has been a dry spring here for sure. Hoping we get some good rain to revive everything!
Love the picture of the dog sleeping. Sweet fur baby. Thanks for sharing your month and projects at #HomeMattersParty
Thank you! He’s a cutie 🙂