This post for science-based home remedies to soothe bug bites may contain affiliate links. These help support this website.
You are going to enjoy this post today all about home remedies to soothe bug bites!
This is a post we have been working on for a while, but I wanted to test out all these science based tips to make sure they actually work! As with all of our home remedies on Chemistry Cachet, these are backed by science.
When I start doing research for a new post, first I like to look up the science of each item. Understanding the chemistry of how something works helps us understand WHY we even try it in the first place.
Chemistry Cachet also likes to TEST things for you to see how it works. Be sure to follow along on instagram and instagram stories for more fun tips!
Luckily, summer in Texas is full of bugs galore. This summer we have been attacked my mosquitoes, chiggers, hornets, gnats, and ants, so there have been many opportunities to test things out for you.
So, here it is!
Science Based Home Remedies to Soothe Bug Bites
How Long Do Mosquito Bites Itch?
Before we start, let’s talk just a little about mosquito bites. Most people are reading this post because they have an itchy mosquito bite. This is the most common bug bite you will encounter. Mosquito bites can last for days! According to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, these bites can appear a few hours or a few days after being bitten, then last for a few days. Unless you have an allergic reaction, the bites are usually mild and just need some relief for those first few days.
This post will help you with those types of bites. Please keep an eye on your bite! Contact a doctor if it doesn’t go away in a few days OR if it is very swollen! Mosquito bites can be dangerous too. You can read more about that in this post we did with the Texas Department of State Health Services earlier this year. Also, be sure to check out our tips for keeping mosquitoes out of your yard!
Now, onto the best home remedies to soothe bug bites you have sitting around your house!
There are dozens and dozens of store-bought bug bite relief products. Some are cheap, some expensive. Some are comprised of MANY chemicals not really necessary for itching. More than anything, these store-bought options require you to head to the store and get them! What I love about home remedies, is they are things you have sitting around for other uses like brushing your teeth, headaches, food, or other things like this. In our list below, you will probably find something sitting around you can use for a bug bite! Be sure to save and share this post so you can reference it when you need relief quick! These are my top favorite home remedies to soothe bug bites!
The Best Wasp Sting Remedy: Ice and Ice Packs
My mom shared this one with me years ago. Put an ice cube on a bug bite until the ice melts. This numbs the bite and brings down the swelling. There isn’t much chemistry going on here, jut physical benefits, but it helps! The key is to put it on immediately after the bite occurs. My husband got stung by three wasps in a row outside doing yard work a few weeks ago, I put ice on it right away. He normally gets very swollen, but this time he didn’t!
I think using ice should be your first defense when getting bit, so it is number one on the list today. This especially fantastic for wasps stings!
A scientist favorite is toothpaste! Now, we have talked about the chemistry of toothpaste in this post. Here is where using it on bug bites will differ. Using a toothpaste with mint will help soothe a bite and draw out the toxins. As stated in this post, toothpaste contains certain abrasives. The astringent properties of toothpaste can also reduce swelling. I have tried toothpaste on mosquitoes and ant bites, it works great!
Peppermint Oil
Next on this list is peppermint. I am adding this next because above we talked about toothpaste. The mint in toothpaste is great for soothing bites, but you can also use peppermint oil if you have it on hand. You can put it directly onto bites to soothe them. It also deters any future bugs from coming around if you have it on your body. Peppermint oil is 40.7% menthol, which is why it works for bites.
Vicks Vapor Rub
To go along with the last few options, next up is vicks vapor rub. I know so many people who have this on hand for kids and adults. The heavy menthol content makes it fantastic for a bug bite too.
Tea Tree Oil
We have so much great information on Chemistry Cachet about tea tree oil because it is such a multitasking tool in the home. Yes, tea tree oil can be toxic to animals (as many oils are), so this tip is just for the humans. A few years ago, we shared an in-depth post on tea tree oil science and using it on the skin. The key to tea tree oil usage is the fact it is a great anti-microbial. It is also a great astringent. Just like we talk about using it for acne, it works to calm, soothe, and relieve itching of bug bites. This is a tip I use all the time. I recently used it for fire ant bites on my toes. Just take a q-tip and dab it on the bites.
Banana Peels
You might be thinking what?? I have had a few people tell me this including a sweet lady who said she has been doing this for about 50 years. Using a banana peel to put on your bug bites! All you do is cut the banana peel to fit on the bite, put the peel directly on it, then allow it to sit. If you recall our post from a few years ago, banana peels have many beneficial chemicals. The high vitamin E content, sugars, and antioxidants can neutralize and soothe bug bites. I have tried this on mosquito bites, and it works! Even if it sounds strange, it is definitely effective, plus a handy thing to know about since most of us have bananas on hand!
Coconut Oil
Once again, our favorite oil shows up on this list! Last year we shared an in-depth post about the topical benefits of coconut oil. It is such a great option for so many skin issues! It is also great for bug bites. The lauric acid helps soothe bites and reduce inflammation. This oil is also an anti-bacterial, so it will help the bite heal. I use this all the time for all types of bites!
Calamine Lotion
I am adding this in for my mom! My mom swears by this stuff, and growing up, we always had this on hand. If we had chiggers or mosquito bites, my mom would lather us up with calamine. There is a good reason for using it though, it is highly effective for soothing itching and swelling for bites. Calamine is safe, natural, and cheap! One of the main components of calamine lotion is zinc oxide which is great for soothing inflammation.
Use Aspirin
Aspirin is another favorite among scientists. You can read a great post about the science and history of aspirin here. Instead of taking it orally, you can actually crush up aspirin, mix with a small amount of water to form a paste. Dab this onto a bug bite. Aspirin is a very effective ant-inflammatory. This stops bites from itching in seconds!
Tea Bags
I learned this tip for inflammation 16 years ago when I got my wisdom teeth out! When I got my wisdom teeth out, my mom added soaked green tea bags into the back of my mouth where the wisdom teeth were out. Not only do tea bags reduce inflammation, they also soothe pain and itching! Well, you can use this same tip for bug bites. Add a wet tea bag (green or black tea will contain the necessary components to help) to the bug bite, let it sit a few minutes. It is amazing how much better it feels. I have used this for hornet stings and ant bites!
I hope you enjoyed these science based home remedies to soothe bug bites! Please tag us on instagram if you try them 🙂
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Thanks daughter for mentioning the calamine lotion… it was always my “go to” for bites, sunburns, and other skin afflictions when yall were growing up. I still use it!
Had to mention it just for you mom! But it is a great product everyone should have at home 🙂
I was advised to not use tea tree essential oil without a carrier oil. Do you agree? I have had a rough summer with chigger and recently oak mites bites. I used an arsenal of products to deal with those horrid things. Including almost everything that you have mentioned above and more.
It’s best to use all essential oils with a carrier oil. I’ve had some experts tell me you can use tea tree oil straight on the skin if it’s a small amount, but I think it’s better to use a carrier. You can also add it to products to get the benefit. Like a lotion or cream
Just a note about Tea Tree Oil that I have not seen mentioned anywhere but I could have missed it. This is from a Dermatologist (not me). Those who have psoriasis, after a shower, put a few drops of TTO in a cup of water and pour over the scaly patches. It also helps the itching. Sounds like TTO has numerous benefits.
As for nasty bug bites, I do have to take an antihistamine also as the bites swell the size of quarters.
Hi Lynn! Yes, tea tree oil is so great for that too! It really has so many wonderful benefits 🙂
What great info! I get bitten once in a quite – usually spider or mosquito – I usually put hydrocortisone to stop the itching. But I’ll try your other suggestions. About the tea bags – can you use “used” (already steeped) or do you have to use “fresh” bags? I’m really curious about the banana peels.
Also wondering if some of these will work for general itchies, like an eczema/dermatitis flareup. etc.
Used tea bags work too! In fact, they are even better since they will already be wet. Banana peels are really great to use too, so handy! Thanks Laurie!
Meat Tenderizer works wonders.
Venom is protein and the meat tenderizer breaks down protein.
Dab water or even spit on the bite, then sprinkle the tenderizer (keeping it wet for a few minutes help it work better) then let dry.
I’m 15-30 minutes, no more itching.
With kids, take a band aid n wet the gauze, sprinkle tenderizer on to make a paste n put bandaids over the bite.
This is an old doctor’s remedy.
Great tip Pam! Thanks for sharing!