It’s been awhile since we did a pup post, so today I want to share with you: is coconut oil okay for dogs to eat?
Coconut oil is mentioned often for EVERYTHING it seems!
Skin, hair, health, and even for your dogs??
In this post, we will be talking about if dogs can eat coconut oil safely plus what happened when I gave Ruger coconut oil everyday!
P.S- Everyone loves seeing pictures of Ruger on instagram stories, be sure to follow along with us there too 🙂
Why Should Dogs Eat Coconut Oil?
If you recall from this post last year, we went into depth on the topical benefits of coconut oil including the science behind how it works. Coconut oil has numerous benefits for humans. Not only does it do amazing things topically, but it is also good to ingest orally.
When you look at the science behind coconut oil, you can see the countless benefits of using it.
So, what about for dogs?
I have talked about coconut oil for dogs in this homemade dog paw wipe post. It is an ingredient to use topically on your dogs paws. It is soft, nourishing, and helps with cleansing.
I had heard rumors that you can give coconut oil to dogs to eat, but I have never thought much about it until Ruger started dealing with yeast issues in his ears. His ears are his weak spot, he ALWAYS has itchy red ears. It is one of the ingredients in our homemade dog treats, but in a small amount.
Over the years, I have done many things for him. We have an ointment from the vet we use. I clean them often, and I have tried many different DIY treatments. Most things homemade have burned his poor ears! Going to the vet and getting them packed with ointment is the only thing that truly helps. It can get expensive, and hard to get him there all the time (he is a BIG boy).
A few months ago, I thought back to coconut oil. I knew people used it for their dogs coats, but I was curious how it might help with his ears. Since coconut oil is a great anti-fungal for humans, I was hoping it could have the same impact on him. I double checked with my vet and did some research about the safety.
For a dog his size, PETMD said 1-2 tablespoon a day was a good serving.
Each morning, I give him a big scoop in his bowl with breakfast. He gets SOOOO excited about it. He loves coconut oil so much!
How eating coconut oil has helped?
His ears are in much better shape! Since doing this coconut oil, I have not had to take him to the vet or put any ointment in his ears. His coat is really healthy and shiny too. He also struggled with paw issues. His paws would get red and itchy all the time from bacteria issues. He does not have as many of those issues either.
Overall, I am really impressed with how coconut oil has benefited him! Not to mention, this dog loves to eat coconut oil!
What Type of Coconut Oil Can You Give Dogs?
I give him organic coconut oil from the store. The same kind we eat! Since coconut oil does contain fat and calories, make sure to check with your vet about food portions. We feed a little less serving of food when he gets coconut oil. I also only give him one serving a day in his breakfast.
If your dog has any type of weight issues, please check with their vet!! Ruger has been on a diet for awhile, but the coconut oil has not made him gain any weight. In fact, he has more energy and is exercising more!
Is coconut oil okay for dogs to eat?
In conclusion, I think coconut oil has so many benefits for dogs. It is worth checking out for your fur baby. If you have a dog with sensitive skin like mine does, it is really a great tool to have at home.
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does coconut oil added to his food 1 time per day cause any bowel problems–diarrhea
Ruger never experienced any issues, but the experts recommend gradually giving them coconut oil. Starting off with a few teaspoons each week then increasing it to full dose
thanks for the advise I follow all information you publish and appreciate it Thanks again
Thanks Shirley! I am happy to help 🙂 Please let me know if you have any other questions
l have four dogs with two of them having this problem. They are both different breeds and sizes. Do you know how much should be given per pound of weight. Thank you so much.
I have the link for petmd above…they don’t say how much per pound. Small dogs they say 1/4 teaspoon up to a teaspoon a day, large dogs a tablespoon. Another source says “teaspoon of coconut oil per 10 pounds of dog, or you can give a tablespoon per 30 pounds” just makes sure to start with a small dose and gradually work your way up to the full dose 🙂 Hope this helps!