The first Friday in October already! I wanted to drop in and let our readers know we have a great magazine feature in the October 9th issue of Woman’s World Magazine for our science-based DIY lawn food.
We were incredibly honored when they emailed us wanting some chemistry tips for taking care of your lawn in the fall. They really enjoyed our homemade lawn food, so they shared some details on that too.
Science-Based DIY Lawn Food Magazine Feature
I have always enjoyed this magazine when I am checking out at the store. It has the best tips, tricks, and ideas for everything.
Here is a little snippet of the fall article. They did a great job, and there are so many other fall lawn tips to check out too! This is perfect information for the fall season. If you want to have healthy lush grass in the spring, then you need to take care of it with these helpful ideas during the fall months.
Our DIY lawn food recipe is the perfect addition to your routine plus it is so easy to make with a few household ingredients you probably have on hand already.
This should be in the store another few days, so check out page 51 if you get a chance! This issue had so much great content, so I think you will really enjoy reading it.
Thank you to all our awesome readers who continue to support Chemistry Cachet each and everyday! I love all your wonderful emails and questions each week 🙂
If you enjoy things like DIY Lawn Food, make sure you check out these other posts on our website:
Have a great weekend!
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Linking with H54F, Oh hey Friday, Friday Favorites, Five on Friday, Friday Favorites with Momfessionals
Wow this is so awesome! I love that magazine and read it all the time. What a cool thing to be featured in it!
Thank you! I have always enjoyed this magazine too and was so excited they wanted to interview me!
That is amazing girl!! What a huge accomplishment! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
Thanks girl! It was such a neat thing to do 🙂
So so so exciting! CONGRATS sweet friend <3
Green Fashionista
Thanks so much Kate!!
Love the article honey… so glad I don’t have to rake the leaves anymore, lol… it was a chore that I liked to do but with having asthma it seemed to be a trigger and who wants that?? Dad can just mow them with the grass and use the leaves for mulch!! so glad for that info. Good work honey, love MOM
There were some fun details in that article! And yes, so nice to know you don’t have to rake ALL the leaves lol! Thanks Mom 🙂
Big congrats to you for getting featured in Women’s World Magazine!! That’s amazing news and so happy for you!
Thanks Emily! We were so happy and thrilled they wanted an interview 🙂
Oh wow, congrats on this! What a fun opportunity!
Thank you! It was such a good opportunity!