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Today is a post about raw honey vs regular store-bought honey.
The big question is: is there really a difference?
The past few months, I have received some questions about this. I have actually done a case study on myself using both.
It has been interesting to see the results!
First, let’s look at the science of each one.
Raw Honey vs Regular Honey
Chemically, sugar is sugar. It actually has the same chemical structure in each substance. So, when it comes to looking at calories and sugars, both types of honey are the same.
Years ago, I used to only care about the calories in something. If raw honey and regular store-bought contained the same amount, I would just go the cheaper route.
The thing is, honey is more important to your health than just sugar content.
In fact, it has come to be one of the biggest anti-inflammatory foods I use in my diet, along with my ultimate anti-inflammatory smoothie!
About a year ago, I started using raw honey religiously. Every morning when I wake up, I make Chemistry Cachet’s Collagen Concoction Drink with a big tablespoon of raw honey.
This honey was right out of the hive too.
We have friends that keep bees and my in-laws also keep them, so I have always had a good supply on hand.
It was amazing how great I felt after doing this for a few months. My joints felt wonderful with less inflammation daily.
This is in combination with a mainly plant based diet.
Anyways, I noticed when I skipped a dose of my drink, I would get some pain in my elbows. I always knew when I forgot to take the drink.
In early February, I ran out of raw honey and none of my sources had any either!
I thought, oh well, I will grab some at the store. So, I picked up regular organic honey. I used that for one month, and wow! I started getting pain and swelling in my elbows again. Within a month, I had more swelling than I had all year.
I realized all that changed was the honey!
The minute I could get my hands on some raw honey again, I started taking it.
In March, I was finally able to get raw honey again. I started using it every day during a pretty bad arthritic flare, and man did it make a difference!
This collagen concoction paired with this anti-inflammatory smoothie was a lifesaver.
So, if honey is honey, why does raw honey help with inflammation so much better?
The biggest reason is raw honey is completely unfiltered. This means you are getting unrefined, raw honey straight from the honey comb. It will contain bits of bee pollen, honey comb, beeswax, and propolis.
Propolis is a very beneficial chemical found in raw honey. This is collected from the buds of certain plants from honeybees. After researching this chemical, it is obvious this is a biggy for fighting inflammation. Check out this article from about the ancient healing benefits of propolis.
Obviously, store-bought honey is processed and is lacking these aspects. Not only does it lack propolis, it doesn’t have the pollen, honey comb or beeswax either. All of these have multiple health benefits too.
What can I look for when buying honey?
If the bottle says organic, it can still be processed. Look for bottles labeled raw and unfiltered. It is going to be much pricier, but it is worth it to me.
What about baking?
Honey can be used to sweeten many recipes, but raw honey will lose its benefits when heated above 95 degrees. So, for flavor in baking, you can just use regular honey because the health aspect bakes out anyways. If your recipe is something that is not baked like these coconut chocolate candies or these kettle corn bars, then raw honey will be the way to go.
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Bottom line, raw honey has incredible benefits for our health, so if you are a honey lover, it is worth getting when you can!
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Thanks so much for sharing this! Will definitely look for raw and unfiltered honey next time I’m in Whole Foods. My mom keeps telling me about Propolis, but I don’t know much about it to be honest (though it’s now in my toothpaste!). Thanks for sharing this info! XO
It is an amazing chemical! It makes a difference when it comes to honey
Thanks Charlotte!!
That’s so crazy to hear you could immediately tell a difference when you ran out of raw honey. I never really thought too much about the difference between the two but it makes sense! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
I couldn’t believe how much of a difference it made! I definitely try not to run out of it anymore
Thank you so much for posting this! We picked up some raw honey at a local farmers market recently, and LOVE it <3
Green Fashionista
It’s so delicious! And sooo beneficial too
Mmmm… honey. A wondrous food – antibiotic, healer… Do you find that local raw honey (to your region) works better for you than just any raw honey bought? This is supposed to be more beneficial as it is from the pollens around your locale, especially for allergy sufferers. What about the caveat that children under 1-2 years old not eating honey due to their immune systems not being able to handle botulism bacteria in honey?
Local honey definitely helps with allergies! I have found that any raw, unfiltered honey does well for inflammation though
I think it’s important for children to not eat it for immune reasons. Even under the age of 5 is what we were taught. But I’m sure back in the day, kids ate it all the time! It’s interesting what scientist learn over the years.
Hell I didn’t even know there was a difference
It’s crazy!!
Great article! I loooove honey Anyone interested in this stuff should definitely check out the book Everyday Roots. It teaches you how to replace all of the harmful chemical products in your life with organic ones. It’s completely changed my life and how I feel everyday
Heres a good article about it:
Thanks Jaime!! Honey is really an amazing chemical for the body
Thanks for sharing!
I’ve been using raw honey for some months now to sweeten my coffee but had no clue of the benefits far or less the health benefits. Great review and good to know!
It’s amazing how great it is! And honey in coffee is such a great option!
This is interesting! That’s great raw honey helps you though – and I’m definitely curious about it now.
It has helped me so much! I am so glad too!!
The reason there is no such thing as organic honey, you cannot guarantee a bee will land on a plant that has not been treated. Bees travel a radius of 3-5 miles from their hive. The US government will not allow any honey producers in this country to print “organic” on its label. BUT, they allow honey coming in from outside the US to print “organic”. Only buy honey from a beekeeper. If it’s in the store, it has to be processed.
Yes, we get honey from my father in law who keeps bees on his 30 acre property. We have many people like this around texas