Brew your coffee or use any leftover coffee you may have.
Add in the milk (you can also use full fat coconut milk for a really creamy, rich dairy-free option), sugar, and extract.
All to cool completely.
Next, if you want to use an ice cream maker, add in the coconut oil and pour into the ice cream maker for a few minutes. It took mine only about 5 minutes, so watch it carefully! This will stick, so make sure to spray the bowl with non stick spray.
Or, you can add in the coconut oil, throw in a blender with ice and blend until sorbet like texture. I did this will about 3 cups of ice to get that consistency.
Although this would take longer, you can easily add this to a shallow baking dish and put in the freezer. Take it out every hour or so to scrap it. It will turn into more of a granita texture 🙂
I recommend enjoying immediately with an ice cream maker or the blender method.