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I talk about this ALL the time on Instagram stories (follow me there for fun tips like this). So many readers have asked for more details on my little chemist drink.
First of all, back read this post for an awesome, in depth post on collagen benefits.
This drink is the BEST collagen supplement. It allows you to get an amazing boost of collagen with the addition of vitamin C. You must take collagen with vitamin C in order for the body to absorb it efficiently (read here why).
Not only is this the best collagen supplement, but it is also an incredible energy booster and great for digestion.
Chemistry Cachet’s Collagen Concoction: The Best Collagen Supplement
I have tweaked this many times this past year, and now I have it down to a science. This drink is the ultimate anti-inflammatory drink. I wanted a morning drink that would help my arthritic pain, but also produce some energy and good digestion.
Since taking this drink everyday for the past year I have seen an incredible improvement to my nails, hair, joints, and even my skin!! Remember to give it a few weeks to work so the collagen can start working in your system.
Ingredients For The Best Collagen Supplement:
- 8 oz of boiling water
- 1 green tea bag (The one I am using)
- 1 tbsp of RAW or unpasteurized honey (I love this one)
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar (I buy Bragg)
- 1 scoop of collagen powder
- ½ lemon, squeezed
- Dash of cayenne pepper
- Steep the tea bag in boiling water for about 4 minutes.
- While the water is still hot, add in the scoop of collagen and mix up vigorously until dissolved.
- Now add the honey, vinegar, squeezed half of lemon, and a dash of cayenne.
- You can drink this hot WITH A STRAW or you can add ice cubes and drink it cold.
This is the only kind of apple cider vinegar I buy. It is natural, organic, and doesn’t have anything additional added to it!
I drink it cold every morning in the summer, but now that it is cooling off, I have been having it warm. Both are equally delicious!
Don’t forget the straw! The straw is so important! Acidity can harm your teeth, so you should always drink things through a straw to protect your tooth enamel.
Why Apple Cider Vinegar is Added To This Collagen Supplement?
I could write a really long post on the benefits of ACV, and I plan on doing that soon. In short, ACV is scientifically proven to boost, metabolism and aid in digestion. It has numerous anti-inflammatory properties, so it is great for anyone who suffers from inflammation.
The thing is, it tastes terrible on its own. I started drinking it a while ago and the lemon really masks the taste, plus the lemon provides that necessary vitamin C for the collagen to work well!
More Chemistry In This Collagen Drink:
Honey is another scientifically proven anti-inflammatory. It has so many important and beneficial enzymes and also makes this drink taste good.
Green tea is yet another energy booster and anti-inflammatory which also helps cut the taste of the vinegar, especially if you don’t like it. Green tea is such a healthy tea full of so many health benefits, so it seemed like the perfect addition for this drink.
The cayenne pepper is also another chemically proven health booster, plus the spicy taste makes this drink really good. You can substitute cinnamon for the spice. When using cayenne, make sure to use a TINY dash. A little goes a LONG way!
Here is the post from instagram a few weeks ago so you can see it on ice 🙂 :
Remember to read this post for an important, in depth post on collagen for your health and why it is the ultimate supplement.
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I started making this when you shared it on snapchat earlier this year. It has really helped my energy in the morning and my skin looks so good! I lost some water weight too. I need to try this collagen
That is awesome! It is so great for bloating too. I love that it’s helped you! 🙂
I take collagen supplements and have tried it in this form (not with the acv etc). I’ll check out this brand when mine run out. Thanks! DIY Pumpkin Spice Highlighter
I’ve tried a lot of brands, but this one has worked the best for me! And using it to the full capacity with the vitamin C has really made a difference too! I definitely recommend this brand 🙂
OK sounds like I really need to give this a try! I’ve never taken collagen but recently I’ve been hearing a lot about how great it is for you! Can’t hurt, right? <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes
It does so many good things! Especially for skin and hair, but also joints! I started taking it just for Ra, but it has done so many other awesome things 🙂
Thanks for buying me a jar, sweet daughter. Its been a good thing for me in lots of physical areas. Love, MOM
I’m glad you started taking it! 🙂 It definitely does so many good things!
Amazing! I’d start taking this for the skin benefits alone 😀
Green Fashionista
It is so worth it for the skin benefits! And the joints too 🙂
Collagen sounds like a great thing for our health. Can it be found in foods or is it only in supplement form? I thought meats have collagen – does cooking it transfer to our bodies? Love the tip about the straw too – one of my friends drinks from straws so it won’t mess up her lipstick/gloss.
This is a great question! Collagen is found in meat proteins, so you can definitely get it when you eat meat. I don’t eat much meat, so I probably don’t get it often from foods. It is also a very small portion compared to the supplement. Eating healthy greens and Vitamin C can also enhance your collagen support in your body! I used to just do straws for cold drinks, but now I do them for hot drinks too 🙂
I really don’t know much about collagen and have never thought to consume it but it sounds like it has so many good effects on the health and you can experiment with different ingredients to make it into a delicious drink.
It is such an important supplement for women, especially as we get older!
Hi there ,
What is the difference between the neocell super collagen and the neocell supper collagen +c ? If any , which one is best for the skin ? Does it have any side effect on liver and kidney ? Or in any other body part ? Also can a breast feeding mom take it? Thank you in advance .
Hi, sorry I am just now seeing this…it went to my spam folder! 🙁 There is really no difference between those too as far as how the collagen works. No, there is no side effect from collagen. If you take too much, your body just won’t use it. The best thing about about collagen is your body naturally produces it, so as long as you are using a good brand that is pure collagen, it is safe! As far as breast feeding, I would consult your doctor first. I don’t see why it would hurt anything, but I always check 🙂
Hi Alexis,
My jar of neocell collagen just arrived and I’m lining up the ingredients for the drink. What size scoop do you use?
Wonderful! I just use the scoop that comes inside of it, it should be about 1 full tablespoon measured 🙂
Thanks! Maybe the scoop is buried in the jar – otherwise I’ll use my tablespoon scoop. Just didn’t want to overdo! 🙂
I would like to try this – the benefits are amazing! #HomeMattersParty
It has the most incredible benefits!
This is fascinating… I had no idea. I want to read through all of the links. I’ve got to try this.
Thank you for sharing and linking up at Dishing It & Digging It! We enjoy having you each week! 🙂
Thanks Lori! It is such a great drink, it has helped me so much in many areas. I hope you enjoy reading through everything!
Can this be made in large quantities and stored in the fridge?
You can definitely make up large quantities, but I would add the collagen right before use on each serving. It can coagulate if it sits up, so I always like to add it right before drinking. But everything else should be fine to store in the fridge for about 1 week.
Perfect. Thank you.
Hi There!
I cannot, for some reason, down ACV! I can’t even bring it close to my face, it grosses me out. But, I’m gonna try your concoction in the AM, and see how this combo goes for me. I just started taking collagen since I’ve been having some joint pain. I know it’s still too soon to see any changes, its been only a few days, but I’m excited. Thank you for explaining how all this stuff works.
– Diana
Hi Diana, I used to be the same way! ACV made me almost throw up when I smelled it. I came up with this drink so I could handle it, and it really helped! After awhile, you will even acquire a taste for it and it isn’t as bad. The lemon in this really helps with the scent 🙂 Let me know how it works for you!
Hi Alexis!
So, I made the drink this morning, I added only a tsp of ACV instead of the tbsp you have listed. I also mixed in Matcha green tea(bc I love the taste) just to help wrap my head around what was about to go down! haha, I just couldn’t even think about the ACV going down my throat. So, anyways, I mixed every other ingredient, just like your recipe, and tried it warm, but couldn’t do it. Then, remembered the ice, and that was it! I poured the mix over a LOT if ice, and sipped it from a straw, still not my favorite combination of flavors, but I think I can get used to it, and will add in the entire tbsp of ACV for tomorrow. Just want to say thank you! ;-).
That’s awesome Diana! I used to only drink it from ice in the beginning too! In the summer, it is always iced as well. Eventually, you will acquire more of a taste for it and can up your ACV. I actually put close to 2 tbsp in it now since I can handle the taste 🙂 I am glad you were able to mix it up and use it this way!
Maybe I overlooked it, but I didn’t see when to buy this collagen product. I’ll check around and give it a try. So glad to hear that it is helpful for RA but also nice that it’s good for hair & nails too. RA is the biggie though & I will sure try it for that. Thanks for the information.
Hi Linda, you can click on the collagen powder in the ingredients list. It will lead you to the product 🙂
Thank You Alexis, I had overlooked the link. After I clicked on it, I read reviews & they are so good. Looking forward to trying this.
It has really been so helpful for me. I hope you can enjoy it too! 🙂
Could my husband take this?
This is good for anyone who needs some extra energy or joint relief!
I found Nocell Super Collagen +C tablets. There’s 90 tablets in the bottle and the daily dosage is 3 tablets twice a day. I will need two bottles a month. I was wondering how many dosages are in the powder form that you use. I went ahead and bought the tablets at Walmart to get started.
Hi Annetta! A jar of powder will last me at least a month using a scoop a day. It depends on how large you make the scoops, but that is the average amount of time you will have it. I prefer the powder because the body is able to absorb it better vs the pills. You can definitely give them a try though to see how they do for you, but I didn’t see any results from pill form. The powder has been wonderful the past few years. Let me know if you have any other questions!
As I am typing this, I am trying my first Chemistry Cachet’s Collagen Concoction & was afraid of what it would taste like.
After my first sips, I thought this isn’t bad & I actually like it. It has cooled a little now & I believe I liked it better hotter but I’m going to stick with it and hope it gives me the same benefits as it has you. I have always heard that lemon juice is good for inflammation but have never tried it. Yesterday we were at a festival & I had a fresh squeezed lemonade with very little sugar. It was tart but I liked it alright. Today my inflammation is so much better. Do you think it would be alright to eat something, like maybe toast, while drinking the Collagen Concoction just to help with the taste? I am sure it’s the vinegar that I need to get used to.
I am so happy you are trying it out! I definitely prefer it pipping hot or ice cold. Anywhere in between is too much! I have also found that the cayenne pepper really helps cancel out that vinegar taste! You can try eating a little something with it until you get used to it. It is best on an empty stomach for maximum absorption, but will be good with a little food until you acquire more of a taste. Try adding a little more honey, you can do a few tablespoons. Also try adding a little more lemon juice too. Either way, you will be better trying it out! I hope you can continue to enjoy the benefits!
Okay, thanks! I will try more honey & I didn’t add enough cayenne pepper because I didn’t taste that at all. I finished my entire drink and will give it a go again today!
The cayenne is definitely a great booster for flavor and canceling out that vinegar. I used to think adding a pepper spice to a drink would be weird, but it is a nice combination 🙂
Hi it sounds great but I suffer from a very testy tummy. Will the acidity make me ache?
I’m not sure. Although it is acidic, the body doesn’t turn it into acid, so it is usually better on things like that. You would have to test it out though, I am not sure how it would work for you!
I have tweaked this a bit and love it! In place of the green tea, I use 1/2 t. matcha green tea & instead of the lemon juice, I add 1/2 t lemon powder. I also add cinnamon but still use the dash of cayenne. I use a milk frother that came with a coffee maker to whip the matcha in some of the water, then add it to the other ingredients and stir well before each sip. Has become a favorite. Thank you for sharing!
That sounds wonderful Lori!! What great substitutions!!
Hi Alexia – I wonder if you have any knowledge of short bowel. My daughter is in hospital now having been diagnosed recently. She has had two different picc lines but developed blood infection from both. Had port put in Tuesday so we’re hoping this will work to provide nutrition (TPN) is there anything that would close down her intestine so she can absorb nutrients. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks for your time
I don’t have any experience with that type of issue. My husband had severe UC that turned into the beginning stages of colon cancer, so he had his entire colon removed in 2010. He now has an internal Jpouch, but continues to struggle with bowel issues. Mainly inflammation and bleeding. I am sorry to hear about your daughters issues, I hope they can get something figured out soon for her!
I’ve been a vegetarian 52 years (61 years old). I have severe osteoarthritis in my fingers (some nutritionists say that’s why I have the arthritis). I have been having good results using cold-pressed peanut oil massaged on my hands and sleeping with the oil overnight with lightweight plastic gloves with a bit of scotch tape on the wrist to hold them on. Read about the oil helping inflammation from Edgar Cayce’s writings. My hands are actually smaller than they were before using it about 5 nights a week. It’s a bit hard on my fingernails though and I’ve started using fingernail polish to help protect them some.
What I’m wondering is if I crossed the line and started using the collagen tea (which definitely is NOT vegetarian), do you think could it help my knuckles if they are already quite fused at this point? It seems to me it won’t because the damage is probably irreversible. I’m sure it would help my nails, though.
Hi Debra! I have been taking collagen for a few years now and it has done wonder for my joints especially my left knee which has had RA in it for 21 years. I have pretty bad damage in it and missing most of my cartilage. Collagen helps lubricate the joint tissue enough to keep things moving. It is worth a try, and it does wonder for other parts of your body too 🙂
Would you recommend adding MCT oil to this drink? Or any MCT drinks other the the bullet proof coffee?
You can add MCT oil to this ACV drink, although it might be hard to mix when you add the collagen. I would make sure to add it as the last step.
Alexis Thank you for this recipe — day two and I am loving it! i found it while trying to find out whether lemon or collagen should be the first morning intake – this is the perfect answer. Would adding ginger root be ok as far as not interacting in a bad way with the other ingredients? I love the taste. thank you again.
You can definitely add some ginger root to this if you’d like! I am glad you enjoy the recipe 🙂
Thank you!
Hi there! I just made this recipe but used a tsp if matcha powder. It was good!! This is probably a stupid question but can I make this in a big batch and if so will it have the same effect?
You can! I find it isn’t as fresh tasting on a large batch, but it is still good!
Sweet! Thanks! 🙂
You’re welcome!
Thank you lexis
I heard collagen type 2 was better for your joints and eyes. What is your opinion on taking collagen type 2 vs. type 3? Also, I read that you should not take types 2 and 3 together , yet, I often see then in one jar. What is your opinion on taking collagen types 1,2, and 3 together in one powder form?
Thank you so much!
Collagen type 2 is said to be better for joints while 1 and 3 are more for hair/nails. You will usually see type 1 and 3 together in a jar because of how they work. Type 2 collagen will usually be by itself. I have never used 1,2, and 3 together at one time, but I do use this neocell shown in the post. It is type 1 & 3, but I find it to be just as helpful for my joints!
Alexis, I just recently ordered high energy liquid AminoSculpt Collagen 30 oz. My doctor recommended it but it is very tart. Is the liquid collagen different from the powdered collagen. There are so many choices and prices, it is very confusing.
Most of the liquid forms of collagen have other ingredients added to them. I looked up the AminoSculpt collagen you listed and it does have sugar, so it is more of an energy drink all in one. I use powered collagen, this brand, because it works good and is only one ingredient. You can add the powdered collagen to almost anything, so I prefer it. The brand I use and mention in this post is cheaper too, but I think it works better than many of the expensive brands
What do you think of Swerve brand sugar? They advertise natural ingredients erythritol, oligosaccharides and natural flavors, though it’s unknown what exact sources the manufacturer uses to make the latter.
I was just diagnosed with RA and am looking for recipes that are free of dairy, fruits, grains, sugar, pretty restricted. I miss yeast bread! Your site has been a God send!
I haven’t used Swerve before, but I have seen it at the store. I don’t like to use erythritol personally because it is a sugar alcohol and those always give me digestive issues and bloat. As far as zero calorie sweeteners go, erythritol is probably your best choice, but I prefer to use natural sugars like honey 🙂 Although honey is a sugar, it is natural one and has great antiinflammatory benefits! I am not sure if you saw this post, but here is some more information on honey.
Please clarify Super Collagen 1 & 3. Is there a “2”? What is the difference?
Can I drink the Collagen in water and lemon or with orange juice?
Can I take Collagen, HA, and squeeze of lemon in water?
Maybe I missed it in reading.
Yes, there is a type 2 collagen. It is typically found separate in a supplement. Type 2 is found only in the cartilage as opposed to skin and joint tissue. You can take collagen anyway you would like…it needs vitamin C to bind properly and get the most benefits of it. This collagen drink has more benefits than just than just collagen. It is good for energy and metabolism too. If you want all the full benefits, you can take this drink directly. If you just want the collagen, you can take it anyway you would like. This recent post shares more information on adding in an HA supplement. It has directions towards the bottom.
Hi Alexis, I just received my first order of Neocell Collagen. I understand that I need to add vitamin C to help the collagen work well, but I’m confused on the amount of vitamin C. I noticed in your recent post “Are Collagen Supplements a Hoax”, in some of your pictures there is a bottle of 250mg Vitamin C gummies. Will you clarify the amount of vitamin C needed for each dose of collagen? Thank you for everything!
Here is a recent post on the regimen I have been using: There is no exact amount you need. I have been using just a regular supplement and have seen good results from that. The supplement I use is 250 mg per day. I think they vary between 250 and 500 mg per day depending on the brand or type. It is up to you what you want to try out, any vitamin C addition is beneficial. I hope this helps 🙂
Hi Alexis,
Just found and love your website! I am 53 years old and have been suffering from Hypothyroid for about 3 years. Along with all of the typical symptoms I am really concerned with my skin, especially on my face. I am noticing a lot more wrinkles! I have been taking collagen (Vital Proteins – Collagen Peptides – grass fed, blue can) for about a month or so but I was not aware of the vitamin C requirement. Any other tips on how to hydrate and plump up my skin? I remove my make up with fractionated coconut oil and moisturize day/night with a mixture of coconut oil and shea butter, underneath my cosmetics and before I go to bed. I also use ACV as a toner and to remove any left over traces of makeup. Your thoughts?
I highly recommend hyaluronic acid orally and topically! It is one of the best products for plumping skin. Here is an article on using it orally: And here is a link to one of the ones I use topically: I also recommend reading through our skincare tab. There are so many important articles about products and how to use things:
I don’t like ACV on the face. It is very acidic and can strip the natural oils from your face. I would use a witch hazel based toner instead. As far as removing makeup, here are some healthy ways I like to do it:
Coconut oil is a great option for removing make up.
Some of the links didnt show up! Sorry about that here they are:
Skincare tab:
Hyaluronic acid orally:
Hey Alexis,
I recently discovered your website and love it! I’m 55, and have always made my skincare a priority, so I love reading about newer/better ways I can keep my skin looking its best.
I’ve started using The Original products you’ve recommended, and I think they are working out really well on my skin – I can definitely notice a difference!
I ordered the ingredients to make your “collagen drink”, and am going to give that a try!
Here’s the question I have for you:
I was reading my emails this morning, and got one from Beverly Hills MD (they actually have good skincare products), and they were writing about their new “Collagen Booster”. In their blurb, they stated that one of the major micronutrients that was missing in all of the collagen supplemental formulas they looked at was polyphenols. They go on to say, “…….polyphenols are special micronutrients, that have such powerful antioxidant properties, they’re often referred to as “super antioxidants…….polyphenols are shown to have a LOT of remarkable effects… from supporting bone density, to skyrocketing people’s energy levels.”
What’s your take on that? I’ve added the link to the email article, so you can read in further detail what they’re talking about, if you want. I’m interested to know what you think!
Thanks so much!
Hi Desi! I just clicked the link to check out the product. I am sure it is a great product, and polyphenols are great in general. They are great for health, skin, and energy. Most people get a large source from diet. Here is a list of foods with large amounts of polyphenols in them. With that being said, I don’t necessarily think you need a special collagen supplement with polyphenols to get the benefits of either the collagen or antioxidants if you have a well-balanced diet. On the other side, I am sure they have a good product. I have used some of their skincare before!
Hey Alex!
Thanks for checking that out so quickly! I agree, a well-balanced diet should be looked at first, and modified to include those items that are high in polyphenols, if need be.
I’ve always been a HUGE fruit lover, and have naturally eaten those that are high in polyphenols (YAY!). I really didn’t know about the advantages polyphenols have for your skin – but it makes total sense now, given the fact that my face doesn’t have nearly as much “wear and tear” as my fellow 55 year olds.
I definitely have to credit eating all those blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc., (as well as some nuts), to helping me ward off aging.
Yeah, they have some good products, but what I’m using now seems to be doing really well, and it’s a heck of a lot cheaper!
Thanks again for looking into that for me!
I have so many questions for you …. my mom and I have osteoarthritis…. my mom is 81 years old with heart problem so can’t take anything for the inflammation… I’m 54 trying to correct the effects later in life …. I started collagen a month ago and can tell a big difference in the way my joints feel … I didn’t realize I needed glucosamine also … so many supplements have stuff we don’t need in our bodies …. your post has help me so much … my question is I have read that the collagen is better absorbed on an empty stomach … so making the green tea drink you have and drinking that on an empty stomach is the absorption the same ? Thanks again for all the information … if you have an up dated list of any of this will you please share … thank you ..
I have never seen any difference using collagen on an empty stomach, the body will break it down either way. I do like to have this drink first thing in the morning for the energy 🙂 Our recent collagen post can be found here. We also have a recent post about taking hyaluronic acid with collagen.