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Today I would like to share with you some simple, delightful things to do when you’re stuck at home.
The funny thing is, I’m stuck at home because I had emergency knee surgery March 1st, but now they nation is stuck at home due to this bizarre crisis we are facing.
So, this post is probably relevant for many people!
I’m very much a home body, and would be thrilled to stay at home for weeks and not leave. It’s not as fun under certain circumstances like illness or surgery, but you can still find time to enjoy the little things.
Delightful Things To Do When You’re Stuck At Home
Find a good coloring book.
I have loved coloring since I was young. It has been years since I have had a chance to color. As I am recovering from surgery, I got out some coloring books, and I am loving it! It is also a good stress reliever for me. You can color with your kids too, Amelia is too young right now, but she loves the finished product!
Put a puzzle together.
Another childhood favorite of mine is puzzles! I love putting them together, and could do it everyday if I had time. Right now, I am putting together some old puzzles, and I love having a puzzle app on my phone.
Put together a skincare bag.
My family has been cracking up at me since coming home from the hospital because I carry a skincare bag around with me. When I was first out of surgery, I would ask my husband to bring me my bag. It had all my favorite things inside, so I would just sit in my chair, putting my products on. Cleansing balms, cream, eye patches, and some other fun stuff. My mom was like wow, you are enjoying this! If you know you are going to have surgery, you can pack a little bag ahead of time to keep with you. If you are sick or recovering from something, it is nice just to keep a bag so you have everything in one place. This Amazon skincare post would be a good one to check out and order some things from Amazon 🙂
Catch up on reading.
Sometimes, it is just nice to catch up on reading. I get sick of watching TV, so reading a book or magazine is a nice break.
Read an inspiring devotional.
I love starting the day with my Bible and devotional, but since I can’t do much else right now, I am really taking my time with it. My current devotionals are Jesus Calling, 100 Days With Jesus, and my daily Bible reading. With all the uncertainty in the world, this is one of my favorite ways to stay calm.
Watch and listen to some uplifting sermons online.
There are so many ways to listen to sermons now. I love listening to Pastor Rick on podcast or online. I also enjoy Charles Stanley.
Catch up with friends on the phone.
The last few weeks, I have spent more time FaceTiming and talking on the phone than I have in years. If you are stuck at home, this is the perfect time to call up some friends you can’t see. I called my Grammy the other day. She is 90 years old, and has certainly lived through so many things. We talked for an hour about things, and it was really nice to catch up. Many of my friends can’t go to work right now, so we just talk on the phone like we are back in school!
Just sit outside and watch nature.
Our living room window has such a pretty view of the pond, trees, and cows. The last few weeks, I have really just watched all the birds and nature. Amelia also loves to just go outside and walk around. If we can’t go outside, we love just looking at the window. It is so peaceful! Her favorite thing to do is sit in front of the window with some babies, and just watch the cows. I love watching her do this 🙂
Make something special to eat or have your family make it for you.
I am very blessed my husband likes to cook! The other night he made salmon and rice, then even made some homemade cookies. We just ate and talked for awhile. It was nice! We haven’t been able to find much meat, but when he went to the store last week, they had salmon! We were so excited about it 🙂
Watch a movie marathon with popcorn, drinks, and other fun treats.
While I recover, I have watched many movie marathons. We pop a big thing of popcorn, and just relax. I haven’t been able to do this in years, but it reminds me of high school or sleep overs we used to have! Being stuck at home can be tough, but doing something like this can make your remember simple times. I am embracing this while I can!
When I am stuck at home, cleaning is therapy for me. It is difficult right now because I can’t clean! So, I am having my husband just clean random areas of the home. Yesterday he cleaned our bathroom TOP TO BOTTOM! I just set on the bed to watch him, but it was really nice getting things clean. This is the perfect time to organize or clean things you never have time to do. Check out our cleaning tab for inspiration!
Spend time in prayer
This is another thing I don’t get the opportunity to do as much as I would like with an active toddler. I am spending more time in prayer while I am stuck at home, and it is nice to do! I always enjoy taking walks and praying, so if you are able to get out of the house, walking and praying is the best combination. The minute I am recovered from this knee surgery, I can’t wait to go outside for a walk!
Reminisce on old pictures, memories
We got out some old photo albums yesterday. Some where from high school, our wedding, and a few from childhood. It was really fun just looking back at photos! I also pulled out some old yearbooks and looked through them. One of my bff’s and I Facetimed the other day, and virtually looked through yearbooks from elementary! I had a blast doing it. This would also be a good time to organize old photos and get those things in order. I always plan on doing that, but never have the time. Now, I have all the time. I plan on putting some photos into photo alums too!
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Hi Alexis and family! Hope you’re all safe and healthy. These are all great things to do. I’m not working right now due to shelter in place measures and I am not essential at work. Learning to manage my home time and staying sane has been a change and challenge. The dig doesn’t know what to do with me home, But I’m enjoying a little more sleep. Some days are easier than others. Take care of yourselves!
We are shelter in place now too. Sweet Amelia is with my parents for safety. Such hard times 🙁 I hope your days can be filled with good things to keep you busy until all of this dies down!! 🙂 thanks Laurie!
Some pretty good ideas here, I love reading
Such a good way to pass the time!!
Hi, I was wondering if I could use your lemon/alcohol mix when making home hand sanitizer…I’m using the WHO recipe. Basically alcohol, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide and distilled water.
Yes you can. I don’t like using hydrogen peroxide in recipes like that because it degrades the minute you open the bottle, losing potency quickly. Alcohol is a good choice though
Sorry to bother you again but I was wondering if your lemon alcohol base is ok to use in WHO’s recipe for hand sanitizer.
Thank you for your time
Oops sorry I just saw your reply. But I was wondering what you do with your lemon juice once you have all your lemon skins?
I store the lemons in the fridge and use it for cooking, and I also add it to smoothies 🙂