There are many delightful things you can do with dandelion flowers!
You probably have a TON of these flowers in your yard like me, but believe it or not, you can save them to use for something unique.
The flowers have numerous benefits for your skin and health.
While these weeds can be a nuisance, you can take advantage of them this spring and summer with one of these ideas below.
Delightful Things You Can Do With Dandelion Flowers
I was inspired to write this post because my sweet little girl Amelia is always picking dandelion flowers! In the picture above, she is holding dandelion flowers at age two. She is five now and still picks them all the time. I told her a few months ago that dandelions had some interesting science making them useful for different things. Like skincare or health. She thought that was so amazing!
So, we decided to do some research and try some things out.
You will enjoy this too!
Why are Dandelion Flowers Beneficial?
Dandelions have been used for centuries as an herbal remedy. Today, they are even promoted as a diuretic and helpful for certain digestive issues. You will find dandelions in teas and even added to foods for flavoring. As with most herbal remedies, there is not much scientific evidence to necessarily prove dandelions heal digestive issues, but there is definitely research proving they do have benefits for health and skin.
Dandelions are full of Vitamins like A, B, C, and D and full of zinc, iron, and potassium. They are also very rich in antioxidants making them useful in skincare! Research shows dandelion extract can be helpful for UVB damage too.
Check out this Dandelion Medicine Book for more cool information and ways to use dandelions as an herbal remedy.
How To Pick Dandelion Flowers For Use?
In the morning, dandelion blooms will be fresh and open. You can just pull the blossoms off with your fingers, they come off very easily. The entire dandelion weed can be used, but our post today is specifically on the flower part.
Add the flowers to a bowl or jar while you are picking them. Then, give them a good, gentle rinse in a colander when you bring them inside. This will help remove bugs and dirt.
How To Dry Them?
You can use a dehydrator if you have one, but I like to lay them out flat on parchment paper and let them dry 24-48 hours. Depending on how much moisture is in the flower, it can take just 24 hours or sometimes a little longer. The ones we picked recently took a little over 48 hours to dry out. Make sure they are completely dry before using them in something that calls for dried dandelions. This will make sure they don’t mold (although for anything edible, you typically want fresh ones).
Don’t Use Dandelion Flowers With Chemicals!
Just a quick side note, if you use fertilizer or anything on your lawn, don’t use those dandelion flowers. You want to make sure the flowers you pick are free of chemicals. Even if you rinse them, there can still be residue left on the flowers.
Things You Can Do With Dandelion Flowers
Here are some of the coolest things you can do with dandelion flowers. Not only are they edible, but they are also a very beneficial home remedy in skincare.
Make Homemade Dandelion Oil
The first thing to make is a DIY dandelion oil. This is a base for many other homemade dandelion skincare products, so this is a good one to start with.
It is super easy to make! Here is how you can do it.
- Clean glass jar with a lid
- Carrier Oil (my favorites are sunflower seed oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil for this)
- Dried Dandelion Flowers
- Fill the jar with the dried dandelion flowers. Leave a few inches at the top for the oil to cover the flowers.
- Add in the oil and make sure it completely covers the flowers.
- Set the jar outside in the sun for about two weeks (two weeks is a standard time for infusions). You can also do 4-6 weeks in a cool, dark place.
- Make sure to shake the jar gently every few days during this time.
- After the two weeks, strain out all the dandelion flowers. You can also use a cheesecloth to make sure you get all the dandelion bits out. You don’t want to leave any flower left in the oil.
- Keep the jar in a cool dry place with the lid on for use.
The Benefits of Dandelion Oil
You can use dandelion infused oil straight on your skin. It has great anti-inflammatory properties, anti-aging benefits due to the vitamin content, and can even protect against UVB damage and cellular senescence. You can use this oil anywhere on. your body including your face. It is great for chapped lips and skin! Make sure the oil you use for the infusion is one you enjoy and know works well on your skin.
You can use the oil for one of these other ideas too.
Make Dandelion Salve
The oil above can be used in a great DIY salve. All you need for dandelion salve is some beeswax and dandelion infused oil. This recipe is a simple one that works great.
Try Some Homemade Dandelion Soap
If you want to try something a little more technical, you can also use this oil in a homemade soap recipe. Soap making can be a little more tedious and requires precision, but it is worth it when you finish! You can make a beautiful soap with some dandelion oil and dried flowers for aesthetics.
Create Homemade Dandelion Bath Bombs
You can also use the dried dandelions in recipes too! Making homemade dandelion bath bombs is an easy idea and great for your skin. Here is an easy recipe to follow.
Make Iced Dandelion Tea
Dandelion is also popular in teas. Some of my favorite tea blends have dandelion in them to help with digestion and bloating. You can also make your own at home. This recipe uses fresh dandelion flowers and limes in an iced tea. This would be perfect to make for the summer and keep in your fridge.
Use Fresh Dandelions For Jelly
You can make a dandelion jelly with fresh dandelion flowers! I have seen this for sale at the farmer’s market in town, but it is very simple to make. It has a sweet taste, almost like a wildflower honey.
Fry Them
Did you know you make make fried dandelions? I saw this on a menu once, and I had never heard of frying dandelions. It is like making fried okra!
There Are So Many Ways To Cook With Dandelions
There are endless recipes and ways to cook with dandelion flowers! I found this Dandelion Cookbook with recipes using the flowers, stems, and roots. If you want to experiment with other recipes, this would be a great book to keep in your kitchen.
I hope you enjoyed this post and are inspired to make some unique things with dandelion flowers.
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Would cold-pressed hemp seed oil work as the carrier oil in the Dandelion Oil?
Yes it will 🙂
Oh what a lovely post
Thank you! So many neat things you can do with dandelions
My vet (holistic) suggested to make dandelion tea (from the roots) and add it to my dogs food to help support their liver
Great tip! Thanks for sharing
What’s the reasoning for using dried vs fresh flowers for the oil infusion? Is it that fresh flowers might mold? TY!
Yes, fresh flowers mold in the oil due to the moisture! They won’t mold as quickly when they are dry 🙂