Today, we are sharing a quick blog post with five of my best time efficient cleaning tips for your home!
I have always had a knack for time efficiency.
Honestly, it is a little bit of a curse because I am so time efficient, I can’t just chill sometimes lol I am always in work mode. This started early on for me when I was growing up, I always had to be efficient with my time so I could enjoy fun things.
Even as a kid, I could NEVER enjoy playtime or hanging out time unless my tasks were completed like homework or cleaning my room.
I recently shared some of these ideas with some friends, and they thought they were genius! It made me realize, sometimes the simplest tips are worth sharing with readers too.
These little things are tasks I do without even blinking an eye now, but they save time in so many ways. My personality for time efficiency is what has made it possible for me to run Chemistry Cachet and work from home.
Five Time Efficient Cleaning Tips For Your Home
You can read this post anytime of year and get the benefit from it!
But with the Christmas season upon us, and everyone being so busy, these simple things will make your life easier AND cleaner 🙂
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Tip # 1: Wipe down your bathroom right after you shower.
This is a fantastic time efficient cleaning tip because it is quick to do, but doing it right after the shower utilizes steam to make cleaning quicker.
Always keep some microfiber cloths in your bathroom for quick cleaning. Microfiber is your best option for better absorbancy, but you can also just use a regular towel if that is all you have. After I have finished showering and WHILE everything is still a little steamy in the bathroom, I grab a microfiber cloth and wipe everything off. I wipe off any water droplets from shower tile, handles, faucets, glass shower door, baseboards, and bathroom mirror. This removes dust, debri, and water from surfaces which keeps things clean. Read this post for a more detailed breakdown of using shower steam to clean the mirror.
Also, by wiping off water droplets in the shower, you will keep away hard water stains, mildew, and even soap scum for longer!
Tip # 2: Keep a large bowl out on the counter while you cook for trash or leftover food pieces.
I learned this tip from Rachel Ray WAAAY back in the day when I would watch 30 minute meals in junior high. I started doing it then, and I still do it to this day. Not only does it save time and eliminates the need to move the trash can or walk over to the trash can, but it also keeps the work space cleaner while you cook.
Whenever I get out all my cooking ingredients, I always grab a large bowl too. I toss everything in there while I cook. The end of an onion, wrappers, bags, or whatever is laying around. After I get everything on the stove to cook, I just walk over to the trash can and dump it. Then I add the bowl to the sink to clean. Which leads me to my next time efficient cleaning tip…
Tip # 3: Keep a sink of warm soapy water ready while you cook.
You can use this tip if you use a dishwasher or if you hand wash dishes. I fill my sink with hot soapy water while I am preparing food, and I just toss utensils and dishes in there. After cooking is done, I either pull dishes out and add them straight to the dishwasher, or I scrub and rinse them. It saves time, water, and the messiness of dishes piled high in the sink!
Tip #4 : I keep up with Laundry every few days.
This took me years to figure out. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I calculated the time I spent doing laundry when I waited to do it once a week or less, and it was pretty much an entire day spent doing laundry.
When my husband and I first got married, he was in the Marine Corps and we lived in an apartment. Doing laundry was so inconvenient because we had to walk down the stairs and all the way to the laundry mat area. I would just put it off as long as possible, but then we would have so many loads to do, it took all day. Anyways, I started walking downstairs when I had just one load of laundry and would do a quick one in the evenings. I started doing that all the time, and I realized how much more time efficient it was.
After having kids, this was even more valuable to do. In fact, I shared this tip with a friend of mine who had a baby recently. She said laundry was overwhelming her to the point she was stressed out and couldn’t get anything done. She started doing my suggestion, and she said it has been a game changer for her!
Now, I do laundry when I have one load to do. I keep up with it throughout the week and it is much more efficient for us!
Tip #5 : Clean something the minute it needs it, don’t wait!
What does this mean? It means if you splatter something on the microwave while heating up food, immediately wipe it out. If something boils over on your stove top, clean it right away.
Putting off just one thing, leads to putting off another. As hard as it is sometimes to clean something immediately, I promise it will pay off in the long run. A recent example for me the other day, I was cooking rice, and it boiled over onto the glass stove top. I thought ughhh, I am trying to cut up vegetables right now! I’ll do it in minute. Remembering my tips, I thought nope! I have to do it now. I grabbed a wet paper towel and spent 30 seconds wiping it off.
If I had put it off, it would have hardened and dried. I would have spent 5-10 minutes cleaning the stove top. Instead, I spent 30 seconds. Little things like this add up and before you know it, you end up spending hours cleaning up things.
Practice doing things right away! It takes some time to get used to it, but it will become part of your routine. This makes your home cleaner, more efficient, and most importantly, saves time!
Time is so valuable as we get older, have kids, and get other responsibilities.
How To Clean Your House Fast?
Just following these five tips of mine will help you keep a cleaner home, and will make cleaning your entire home faster! Keeping up with cleaning like I have shared above, means I can just do a deep cleaning of my home is LESS THAN two hours once a month.
When friends and family see how clean my home is, they always think wow! You must spend all day everyday cleaning.
I said no, I don’t! I am smart about my home cleaning, and it pays off!
Also, shout out to my mom who has always been this way and taught me how to keep a clean home!
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This was bloody great
Thanks!! Hope it is helpful for you
If my hubby would just pick up after himself half of my work would be done!
Lol yes, mine too!