Everyone loved my mom’s last post on chair yoga moves, so today we are sharing some yoga stretches you can easily do in bed!
This information is very in right now.
Lazy girl stretches, how to stretch in bed, and even how to do yoga in bed are common reader searches on our website.
The good thing about these questions is there are simple solutions to this!
My mom, certified yoga teacher, is also certified in balance and flexibility.
Everything she teaches with her students is all about safe, effective, and feasible moves you can enjoy doing each day.
Add this to your list of things to do!
Yoga Stretches You Can Easily Do In Bed
Before we get started on these easy stretches…
Many people asked me last time if there was a way to print these moves out.
When it comes to the website, I would prefer if you bookmark this page and use it for reference.
This is the easiest way to use our tutorials, and they are meant to be resources on your phone, tablet, or laptop.
Many people use their phones for workout videos, tips, and guides, so be sure to use this as the same way.
Also, if you haven’t followed us on Instagram, you can do so here. We share videos and tips daily!
Do You Need Any Props For This Bed Stretches?
No, but my mom said she recommends something small and fairly thin to go in the crook of your neck for support. She always uses a rolled up blanket as you can see in the pictures. This will protect your neck.
Stretch 1: Heel Slides
Move one is starting with heel slides. Simply alternative sliding your heels up to your bottom as far as your knee bends comfortably. Do each side 5 times, so 10 times total. You can do the right leg first, then the left leg. My mom recommends alternating them though.
Stretch 2: Lying Down Tree Pose Stretch
Next, you are going to flow into a simple tree pose. Your foot comes up only to what is comfortable. Picture above. Hold each side for a count of about 10.
Stretch 3: Spinal Twist
On your last leg up in tree pose, simply twist over to the side in a spinal twist stretch. Lean over as much as comfortable. Hold for 10 counts. Then switch to the other side.
Stretch 4 : Hold Leg Out To The Side In Flex
On your last spinal stretch, stretch the leg out into a straight leg with the foot in flex like the picture above. The leg on the bed can bend up like you see in the picture. You can hold your knee on this pose if you need the support, or you can just use strength to hold your leg up without using hands. You can hold in flex for 10 counts, or you can point and flex for 10 counts. Switch sides.
Come back to a neutral position for a few seconds before beginning the last set of stretches.
Stretch 4: Straight Leg Stretch Series
From the neutral position, hold one leg up straight. Hold for 10 counts, then change legs. Hold wherever you are at flexibility wise. This can be ankle, knee, or even thigh area.
Stretch 5: Double Leg Stretch
Now, you are going to lift both legs up straight, holding wherever is comfortable for your flexibility. This is like legs up a wall pose, but gets a deeper stretch in hamstrings this way. Hold for 10 counts.
Stretch 6: Reclining Pigeon Pose
Last pose is reclining pigeon. You can hold your knee for this stretch, or leave leg on the bed. Whatever is most comfortable for your knees. Hold for 10 counts, then switch sides.
How Many Times Can You Repeat This Series?
You can do this entire flow a few times in a row or just once, whatever you need for the day. You can do this series every morning, or even in bed at night!
Don’t forget to check with your doctor!
If you are new to stretching or yoga, and ESPECIALLY if you have a health situation, please consult your doctor before beginning a new program. This is a safety thing. You should know what you feel comfortable trying, but if you aren’t sure, asking your doctor is a good idea.
I have been exercising since high school even with RA, but I still chat with my doctor about new workouts I am doing.
I hope you enjoy these simple stretches you can do every morning!
We plan to do another series like this soon because there are so many wonderful poses you can do in bed.
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Yeah! thank you. I have been running with grandkids but forgetting to actually do something with the time I have left at night. I am definitely letting stiff and my butt hurts from sitting on couch. As you get fatter it is harder to want to move. But I am going to try this. It might be softer to do on my body,) and it looks like it will definitely limber me up some. I will let you know, thanks
These are such great ways to start the day and start being more active if you don’t want to move! I hope you enjoy trying it out!
Thanks for this, I do these regularly
It is so easy to these every morning!
I agree with other readers that a printable option would be useful. I use a desktop pc only to connect with the internet. An example would be the morning yoga stretches while still in bed. Thank you