Happy Friday! Did this week fly by for you? It did for me, but I am okay with that. Looking forward to some relaxation time this weekend.
Many favorite things this week…
Work has been busy, but I love meeting with new clients at the coffee shop. It’s a great time to relax and get down to business at the same time. We have a cute one downtown that I love to meet people at! I am working on some new things for my academic business that I am excited about! This is my Academic Services website, if you are ever interested. I also work with many professionals on editing and research. I will share with you soon what I have been working on 🙂
I have been loving the September sunlight. It reminds me that fall is coming soon! Even though temperatures are still really hot here in Texas, the mornings are a little cooler, so I am thrilled about that. These sunflowers popped up in the field by our house just the other day. Perfect flower for late summer, early fall!
Did you see my awesome autumn tea list earlier this week? That is one of my favorite things to do once fall hits, break out the fall inspired teas. I have been having this one in the afternoons. Ruger loves it too! He is obsessed with all things pumpkin spice, just like his mom 😉
I feel like it has been ages since I shared with you any pictures of the flowers, but summer is rough on the plants. Last week, I started spending as much time cleaning up the garden and giving it some TLC (using this checklist) and this week, all the flowers started blooming again!
Last, but not least, I finally started a facebook page for the blog! I will be using it to promote some blog post, promotions and any news going on. Feel free to click the banner up top to like the page, or you can click the link above 🙂 Starting a new social media avenue is always tough since I have gone without it for so long, but I am hoping it will grow!
I’d love to know what your plans are for the weekend? Anything fun or just relaxing?
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I love coffee shops for meetings. You’re so right – it gets everyone relaxed, which makes it easier to get down to business. And we’re still getting hot around here in the afternoons too. But the cooler mornings are so wonderful! We’ve also had some days were the humidity is nice and low, and hardly a cloud in the sky. So great. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Katie @ Cup of Tea
We’ve been having so pretty humid days, so I look forward to those passing soon. But the cooler mornings are definitely wonderful! Have a great weekend Katie!
Happy Friday and weekend! Seems like it’s been a long time coming. Glad to hear that your academic consulting business is growing – yay! I tidied up my front garden a few weekends ago, and my plants were growing well. Then yesterday I noticed that the deer had eaten all the geranium bud clusters, leaving me with just stems and leaves. Same with my gerbera daisies! The roses are too high for them, so they are eating my neighbors – lol. Hoping for a low key quiet weekend – lots of home stuff to do, or not. Enjoy your weekend, and woof to Ruger!
Happy Friday Laurie! Oh man, that is too bad about the deer! We have been having some rabbits in the yard that have been nibbling on some stuff! We plan on having a low key weekend too, it will be nice after this long week! Have a great day!
My week seemed to fly by, too! I am loving this september weather. It is still pretty hot here during the day (like 80s) but cools down in the evenings so it is fun to go for walks or sit outside!
We have been having high 90s, but I love how it cools down in the evenings. And the mornings have been great too!
I had the opposite feeling of you this week – I felt like it was the sloooweeeessssttt week every. Tuesday felt like it should’ve been Thursday (and I was disappointed when I found it out it wasn’t).
I’m going to have to look for that tea. sound delicious!
Trish – tales from trish
Ugh, I hate weeks like that! Definitely try this tea if you can, it is delicious!
Nice academic website! I’m going to have to check out your tea list. I have to have my morning cup of coffee, but at night, especially now that cooler weather is coming, I enjoy a cup of tea now and then. I hear ya about the Facebook page. I just started one a few weeks ago myself. I held out for so long! Have a great weekend!
I definitely have to have my coffee first thing in the morning, but come afternoon, I like to have tea instead 🙂 I held out for so long too on Facebook, mainly because I didn’t want another social media to manage, but oh well lol. I will stop by and like your Facebook page 🙂 Have a great weekend!
I recently started a Facebook page for my blog too. I kept putting it off because I have so many other social media pages. But people kept saying it’s a really good thing to have. So I’m glad I started one.
I felt the same way! I know it will reach other readers who don’t use many social media outlets. I will pop over to your blog and like your page! 🙂 Have a great weekend!
your flowers are stunning! Adorable bulldog and omg need that spice tea! thank you for sharing all of this 🙂
Thanks so much! Yes, you definitely need this tea, it is so good!
Thanks for sharing what has been going on with you this week. I always love posts like this because you really feel like you are going to someone’s “home” and visiting with them, across a cup of pumpkin spice tea. 😉
Your testimony about the flowers is so true in our lives. When we clean up the clutter in our minds and hearts, we then can “bloom where we are planted”
Glad I stopped by!
Thanks Karen! I love that feeling too 🙂 I am so glad you came by to say hello, thank you! Have a wonderful day!