If you want to fall in love with reading, you will enjoy our simple tips today!
I talk a lot about my love for reading and enjoy sharing my favorite book recommendations on instagram .
After my awesome books to read this winter post, and how to make the most of winter, I had so many people tell me that wished they loved to read too. Or they used to be an avid reader, but had lost the love of reading! I also had a few people ask me how I find the time to read or how I love it?
Reading is something that is special to me. There was a period in my life that I stopped reading completely, and didn’t think it was an important part of my life anymore!
So, let me tell you a little store about my journey to becoming a reader again and tips to help you fall in love with reading again too!
When I was a little girl, I was a huge fan of books. I was an advanced reader even in 1st grade, so I was constantly devouring any book I could get my hands on. Nancy drew, Little House on the Prairie, The Hardy Boys, and even The Babysitters Club were always favorites of mine.
Summers were an adventurous time for me in the library! My mom would take me a few times a week and I would pick out a huge stack of books to take home. When I wasn’t outside, I was reading.
Reading became a comfort to be when I was diagnosed with RA at 10 years old. There were many days I was hurting and couldn’t go play with my friends, so I loved getting to read a great book and be transported somewhere fun.
It was the middle of high school that I stopped reading. For one, I was starting to get into some more difficult classes and spent most of my free time studying. Along with that, reading wasn’t really the thing at that age. It was all about being cool, driving, and hanging with my friends. This was the same in college too!
Except in college, I was starting to read really complex chemistry and math books for my degree, and frankly my brain was totally fried by the end of the day. I couldn’t even think about picking up a book!
How I Discovered The Love of Reading Again
The longer I put off reading, the more I decided “I wasn’t a reader.” Then, one day when my husband and I were married, living in California, my mom sent me a book that she thought I would enjoy. It was a super thick book too called “… And Ladies of The Club” by Helen Hoover Santmyer. Full of history, this book was set in the 1860s to the 1930s. Right up my alley for sure!
I really wanted to read it. I started it multiple times over a period of a few years, and just couldn’t get past the first few chapters. It wasn’t that I didn’t like it, I just kept getting distracted and decided it was to in depth to read. I almost gave it away a few times, but ended up just putting it away.
Then, a funny thing happened. My husband was very sick and in and out of hospitals for a long time. I would spend hours upon hours sitting in waiting rooms. I would bring magazines, but those only took up so much time. I was getting extremely bored, but I wanted to be there for my husband.
I came home one day and dug around for a book to read and remember that book my mom sent. I packed it up one day and started to read it during a 10 hour wait at the hospital.
That day flew by because I got so into the book. It was emotional, historical, architectural, and all about educated women becoming homemakers after the Civil War. All thing things I find super interesting.
That book really kept me company during those long days and when I finally finished it, I was sad that it was over! I kept thinking about the characters and their lives, and it really made an impact on me. That is when I remembered my love of reading. I still loved connecting with characters from books and learning about different aspects of living or history. I had found my love of reading again and suddenly had to get my hands on more books.
I started out simple though and discovered the genres I loved most. After many years of being a reader again, I have expanded my favorite topics to a wide range and really enjoy it!
So, how can you fall in love with reading again? I have some tips that may help and maybe you can find your “…And Ladies of the Club” type book to bring you back to it also!
Tip One. Think about what you enjoy.
We all have different interests. For instance, I really don’t like romance books, but I know some people who absolutely adore them! Think about your favorite movies or topics in general, then try to find books that match that.
I have made the mistake of trying to read books that others talk about liking, without really being interested in the subject. Then, it has the opposite effect and makes me think I hate reading!
Even though I got burnt out reading about chemistry in college, I really love it now! In fact, I go back and look at old books sometimes to get ideas for Chemistry Cachet. It is something I really enjoy!
Tip Two. Start small.
Don’t try to set a huge reading goal if you have been out of the reading game for a long time. Just set a goal of one or two books that you find and give yourself some time to read them.
Tip Three. Remember a favorite book from childhood and read it again.
Sometimes, you just need to remember how much you loved it! A favorite book of mine from childhood that is still an absolute favorite of mine is The Anne of Green Gables Series. I couldn’t love anything more than Anne’s descriptive and poetic descriptions of seasons and nature.
I am an absolute nature lover and have the same feelings towards seasons and life, so reading those books make me have a happy feeling, which makes me want to read more happy books!
Tip Four. Set aside a special time read, and make it a fun experience!
This was another big one for me. I always struggled with distractions or finding the time to read, which in turn, kept me from getting far in a book.
First, I found a comfortable place to read, with a nice view. In my house now, I have a big, overstuffed chair that looks outside at a field with trees. I love reading in that chair because it is so peaceful and serene. I always make something really good to drink like a delicious winter tea or my favorite cup of coffee.
Eventually, you start getting excited about your reading time because of how comfortable and cozy it is.
In the summer, I LOVE going outside on the porch swing in the sunshine and bringing a book!
Tip Five. Try small reads first.
If you really struggle with liking to read or finding the time, try reading small things first. Like blog articles 🙂 Or online journals, articles, newspapers, etc.
I started reading blogs before discovered my love of reading again. I enjoyed reading the small, non committed articles when I had some spare time. I still love to read online articles, but it is a really great place to start if you have trouble committing to a book!
Tip Six. Practice!
This last tip is so true for so many things in life especially habits. Forming a habit takes time and practice. Reading is really a habit and a hobby, but when haven’t read in awhile, it takes practice each day to get back into it.
Even when I started reading again, I still wasn’t reading a lot. As I get older, I make it more of a priority and practice it when I can. Sometimes in the evening, I will just read before bed instead of watching TV. I started doing that for some many evenings, I got to where I looked forward to it and preferred it to watching TV!
Reading has definitely been a passion of mine and I am so glad I discovered how much I love it again, I hope you can too!
I have some book recommendations coming again soon for all my current reads 🙂 Feel free to follow me on instagram for more ideas.
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As a child I was a total bookworm, but as I have gotten older I’m not so into it. I love these tips to get me back to reading!
Christina :: Simple and Delish
I was a kid a too…I went so many years without reading, it is so nice to love it again! I hope these can help you 🙂
I’m a total book addict and fully support these tips! Reading book genres you enjoy really makes all the difference!
It really does make all the difference! I used to try to read what everyone else was reading just to be in the mainstream, and I hated it! Thanks Ashley!
I love nearly all of the books that you’ve mentioned here! Historical fiction is my favorite.
My kids have been in and out of the hospital a ton lately, so I’ve found a lot more time to read during those long waits, too. My biggest struggle is giving myself permission to just sit and read. Or being able to just sit and read without constant interruption.
I love historical fiction! I totally feel guilty too. I read more in the winter since I hate cold weather and try to make the most of it. When it is warm and sunny, I feel too lazy if I sit and read! I try to just set aside a specific time to do it during a break so I don’t feel bad! But it really is a great way to pass the time in waiting rooms!
I have a love/hate relationship with reading. I love it, but it tends to suck up all of my time if I’m not careful! Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when it means I’m staying up far too late, and then sleeping in far too late and nothing else is getting done…then it’s an issue xD
It is worth the “loss” of time, though, when one finds a great story that is worth being up ridiculously late for!
That is the only bad thing about it! I don’t have that trouble since I have a hard time reading at night. I am an early riser without fail, so I tend to go to bed earlier. I used to be that way when I was younger though! I remember my mom getting on to me for staying up too late reading!
I have an up/down reading relationship – factors like time, mood, which book/genre/series I’m reading come into play. Lately my reads are the cozy mysteries. I need to set a block of time aside – can’t read just 1 page of a mystery… I follow many cozy mysteries series but sometimes I have to wait for the latest installment to come out! I also like “light” romance – where the sexual content is implied, not detailed/”bodice ripping” – and incorporates family/women relationships. About your tip to find the right reading spot – I have a plush sofa, but I cannot read there because it’s so deep/comfy, I fall asleep in it! My best reading spot so far is at the dining room table… go ahead and laugh… Have a good day!
OMG I know exactly what you mean about a comfortable chair! I think that is why I can’t read in bed…I am just way to comfortable and immediately fall asleep. I like something firm, but not too firm. I really love the porch swing for that reason too…can’t wait for the weather to be perfect for outside reading 🙂
These are great tips! I really agree with starting small. NetGalley has been a huge help for me to read a bunch lately because I do well when there are deadlines to finish something.
I haven’t heard of that! Is it a website? I like deadlines too..it keeps me focused 🙂
I love love love reading and writing. I am hoping to work some more time into daily reading. Would love to explore having a good hour just to read a book. So many books I have started but yet to finish. The problem is I am always working so crazy so sometimes I just can’t turn my brain off.
I know what you mean! Sometimes my mind is in 100 different places at once, so I will read and realize I didn’t even pay attention to the words! It is fun to set aside a nice time to just read 🙂
nice !
Thank you!
I love to read and talk about it on my blog quite a bit. We have a 2016 Book Challenge going. I make time to read just before bedtime. It relaxes me.
Oh I love the idea of a book challenge!! That sounds fun. I haven’t done one in years, but it is such a great way to make sure you are accountable to read 🙂 Thanks Brenda!
I love to read too! Like you said, I can get lost in the characters and when the book ends, I miss them! I read a lot of mystery series so I can keep going! I don’t know what I would do without a good book!
I love mystery series too! So fun to keep reading the same type of book once you finished another! I agree, it is always so sad not to have a good book to read 🙂
Nice tips. Reading is important for all ages.
Thank you! It definitely is 🙂
It’s been such a long time since I’ve read anything other than a cookbook or a book on party styles. I must admit that I miss getting lost in the storyline and the characters. When reading I would always choose which actor would play what part in the movie version. Looking forward to reading again, thank you!
I love thinking about that too! I get so excited when they decide to make a movie from a book I love! Thanks Sandra, I hope you can find something fun to read!
Great advice! Anne of Green Gables is a big favorite for me, too! I stopped reading for fun pretty much completely while in college, but have found my interest in it rekindled in the past few years. Now I live in an apartment complex that has its own little library and I love how accessible books are!
I was the same way in college…my brain was way to fried from chemistry and math to even think about it lol! That is awesome your apartment has it’s own library! I would love that 🙂
I’m actually the complete opposite! I LOVE reading, but with school and everything else, I barely have time for personal reading. Whenever I have a free second, I pick up my book, but I don’t put too much pressure on getting a certain amount of reading done
I was the same way in college. I wanted to read, but I was way to deep into complex chemistry and math to even begin to think about reading a novel lol. The best thing about graduating was finally have free time to do anything I wanted too! I caught up on a ton of reading for months 🙂
Great post, Alexis! I used to read all of the time for fun and I just lost that 🙁 It makes me sad. I haven’t read a book for pleasure in love 3 years until just recently. I read a blogging book over my Christmas break, and I finally felt like I was “myself” again!! I watch so much Netflix; I think the key for me is getting back into the habit of reading before bed! I just bought Arianna Huffington’s Thrive and I can’t wait to read!
It is always so hard when you get out of the habit! I was doing the same thing for many years…watching shows before bed. Then I would get addicted to watching something and would always end the night with it. I try to switch off and read some nights, watch netflix others. Especially if I am reading a good book, I will be more likely to read instead of watch TV 🙂
For a writer, reading is a must. I love reading but these days I find really less time to read which totally sucks. Thanks for the tips! Setting a time will definitely help! 🙂
For sure! I get so much inspiration for writing just by reading. I do professional writing and I find just reading anything sparks some inspiration for writing that too! Ugh, I know…finding the time is really the hardest part! Especially when work gets so crazy! I hope these tips can help you some 🙂 Have a great day!!!
A few years ago I ran across “And Ladies of the Club.” The first chapter was a little slow but then it held my interest so completely. I was also so sad when the book was finished. I wanted more of these ladies. This is the first time I have seen it recommended. A long book but so worth it!
That is so awesome you have read it too! I have never met anyone who has read it, so I love knowing that you have. It was so long, but I agree, so worth it! I kept thinking about the characters for months and even think of them today when something reminds me of the story!!
I am an avid reader-especially now that my children are grown & I have more time. I find it so relaxing. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty
I think it is relaxing too! Perfect way to unwind for sure 🙂
One of my very favorite things to do is reread a book from my childhood! It takes me back to being a child with nothing more to do than read a good book.
Weren’t those the BEST days? I miss being a kid without a care in the world. I agree, reading an old favorite really takes you back!
Great tips. I find that if I start with even a small amount of time set aside to read, like 15 minutes before bed, I’ll get into a book and find ways to make more time for it 🙂
I am the same way! Once I get into a book, at least just a little, I will be more likely to find more time to read it. Especially if it is really good 🙂
I love to read which is a bit unusual for a dyslexic person ( which I am ) I have just got a kindle and am loving it.
thank you for sharing with Pin Worthy Wednesday
I love using my kindle too, especially for traveling. I always have options to read 🙂
I am a lifelong fan of reading Alexis. And even though I don’t have much time for it now, I still walk around with a book and read it in bits and pieces every chance I get. My girls are always asking me to read this or that book that they have read and it makes me feel connected to them
That is so great! I think reading with kids is such a great way to spend time together 🙂
I think having children has helped me get back into reading. I used to say I didn’t have enough time but now I’ll read all their bedtime stories (usually 3-4 a night!) and still want to read a book when it’s my turn to go to bed. It’s a sanity saver!
I have heard some of my friends say the same thing who have small children. Reading really is the perfect sanity savor! It is such a great break from reality too 🙂
Love these tips! I’ve finally gotten back into reading and I am so glad that I did! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Kaycie! I am so glad you have gotten back into reading 🙂
Great tips to get the love of reading sparks flying! I used to go to the library in the summertime multiple times during the week and take out stacks of books as well! I love reading – it really takes you out of the present time and transports you to new places!
Those were the good ol days as kids! Getting to spend hours at the library and bringing home a ton of books 🙂 I love how reading takes you some place new!! 🙂
Love this post! I have definitely been there before. I just recently began reading again for leisure. I lost a lot of that joy when we moved here 3.5 years because we had a lot of changes in our lives. I’m grateful that as things have settled I have found this joy again!! Love to hear I’m not the only one who experiences this.
I am so glad you got back into it. It was sad time for me to when I lost my love of reading…I am so happy to have it back!!
I loved your tips! I think everyone should put down the electronic devices and read more! It’s so relaxing.
However, I really wanted to let you know that I read ” And The Ladies of the Club” over 21 years ago when I was on bed rest due to complications with my pregnancy. The book was long but I loved every page and to this day think of how that book helped me during a stressful time! I couldn’t believe you were mentioning as I very rarely heard about it since. A few years ago I saw it at a Book Swap with the hope of rereading it again. Thanks for the great post!?
Hi Mary!
That is so wonderful you have read it too! It is such an amazing book, I am really surprised to see that other people have never heard of it. They haven’t printed it in years either, so finding a copy is hard! That is SOO neat how it also helped you through a stressful time. There was just something about those ladies that I really connected with. They had such sad, yet simple times back then. Every once in awhile, I will remember something from the book and will start thinking about it again. It always brings me back to those days when my husband was really sick and I was all alone, but had that book for comfort! Thanks for sharing your story with me!
Great tips! I definitely dont read as much as I’d like to anymore. Between going to school and running my own business, I sometimes feel like there already aren’t enough hours in the day haha but I’m getting better about it. I’m trying to end my days by reading a chapter or two rather than last minute responding to emails and blog comments. Sometimes it works well and then other nights (like tonight), it doesn’t haha it’s a work in progress.
I’ve been there too. Sometimes it amazes me how fast the day goes by and I didn’t get to do anything I wanted too. Just too busy! It is definitely a work in progress! Thank you!! 🙂
Hi Alexis,
I enjoyed this post, both your remembrances of youth and your steps to reclaiming a love for reading. I have chosen this as one of my Featured Favs from last week’s Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. I will be featuring it on my site on Thursday.
Hi Shellie! Thank you so much! I will be back to link up for your blog hop! I appreciate the feature 🙂 Have a great day!
I love this! I’ve definitely gone through phases where it’s harder to get myself motivated to read even though I love it! Rereading a childhood favorite is definitely something I do as well when I need to kickstart my reading habit again. 🙂
Thanks Emma! I agree, getting back into those childhood books is such a good trick to make you enjoy reading again!
Great tips, my friend! Oh, how I love to read 🙂 I was often caught reading a story when I was supposed to be doing homework {{smiles}} Now I get caught reading when I should be cooking!
Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!
I am the same way Stephanie! I always did the same thing…and just the other day I got carried away reading and next thing I know, my husband was home! oops lol
Before I started college I was a complete bookworm. I remember one summer I spent the whole time reading. Somedays I wish I could go back to leisure reading. I think I’ll try some of these tips and hopefully get back on the reading horse.
I remember those glorious days before college too! Sometimes I get so busy with work, it is like being in college again. I really love lazy, slow weekends just to read! 🙂
I fell back in love with reading to the children and then I wondered why I didn’t find time for it! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!
It’s funny how when you get back into it, you think…why did I ever stop?? Thanks Sherry!
This is perfect! I just got out of a reading rut and I did not even realize I used some of these tips (start small, read what you enjoy). Thanks for the tips!
That is awesome Gabby! It’s funny how those little tips and practicing can really get you back into a reading obsession!!!